Last Evening

Our last evening together consisted of a delicious Sechzuan meal paid for by Oma and Opa, and a stroll down the famous Nanjing Road shopping district. The still photos don't do this road justice, so I have included two short You Tube videos.

The flaming dish is three times cooked pork. The top crust was so mouthwateringly crunchy that I could have eaten the entire dish by myself. Little Jacob was strapped into his high chair with a napkin, otherwise he would have slipped right through. The "cheesy" looking mound is actual a noodle dish with a thick cream sauce.
Whoops, I included the same dish twice. The crispy toasted sesame pockets could be filled with the crispy fried onions and fish (?), which tasted remarkably similar to the tiny fried Indonesian fish Bopie loves so much.
Nanjing Road has to be experienced to be believed. Paul, when standing away by himself, was accosted by several young women. We observed this first hand, much to our surprise, as they didn't seem put off at all by his Chinese haircut.

Here's a one minute video, sight, sounds, and all.

And this 2 1/2 minute video shows the Coca Cola sign (our favorite) in the middle of its run.

Walking to the restaurant, the buildings were so modern and the signs were so colorful. You can see the solar sensors for the street light if you look closely. I recall a woman walking her dog at this point. The only place pooch had to poop, was a tiny plot of grass at the base of one of these signs.

Throughout our trips together, the kids were so well behaved and accustomed to going places. Maddie ate the food and tried a bit of everything. So impressive for one her age.

A shrimp dish, which was delicious. Carol liked it best of all the dishes and ate a couple of portions. There was so much food, we couldn't finish it all.

As you strolled up Nanjing Road, which was cordoned off from traffic, men and women weaved in and out of the crowds on wheels attached to their shoes that flashed with colored lights. They kept approaching us to sell us a pair. Can you imagine Paul, Carol, or auntie on one of those things? We'd be dangerous!

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